Mike Bender Golf Products
Easier Said Than Done by Dr. Rick Jensen
In Easier Said Than Done, Jensen reveals the "12 Truths" that you must know to play your best golf:
1. It’s not about the swing
2. All skills are not created equal
3. You can’t skip steps
4. You must stick to something long enough to master it
5. There’s no way around it, practice is a must
6. Where lessons don’t work, coaching does
7. Your fitness will set the ceiling for your potential
8. To transfer to the course, practice like you play
9. The weakest link breaks under pressure
10. Under competition your brain reverts back to the familiar
11. You will play average or better only 50% of the time
12. Golf is a game of misses
Dr. Rick Jensen, who has trained numerous PGA and LPGA Tour professionals, has peeled away the layers of misunderstanding, confusion, and wishful thinking that obstruct golfers’ improvement at all levels. If your students ever question why they can’t take it from the range to the course, why they don’t play up to their expectations, why they don’t play more consistently, or why their games don’t improve—this book provides them with the answers.